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Difficulty (Explanation)
Other titles of this difficulty
Piano Piece no. 3 F sharp major
3 easy
Piano Piece no. 4 F sharp major
3 easy
Consolation no. 1 E major
4 medium
Consolation no. 2 E major
5 medium
Consolation no. 3 D flat major
5 medium
Il Penseroso
5 medium

About the Composer


Franz Liszt

The most famous piano virtuoso of the nineteenth century is regarded as the most influential artist and composer (with Berlioz, Wagner) of the so-called New German School. His immense musical oeuvre comprises, above all else, works for solo piano, including numerous transcriptions; he also devised the symphonic poem. Important, too, are his sacred and secular choral works and songs.

1811Born in Doborján/Raiding (Sopron) on October 22, son of an official in the service of Prince Esterházy. First piano lessons from his father, early first attempts at composition, first public performance at age nine.
1822Relocation of the family to Vienna, studies with Carl Czerny and Antonio Salieri.
1823Relocation of the family to Paris. Composition studies with Ferdinando Paër and Antonín Reicha (1826). Performances in salons, concerts.
1824–27Concert tours through France, to England and Switzerland. Composition of opera paraphrases for piano.
1830Acquaintance with Berlioz, self-study by reading. He becomes Parisian society’sfavourite pianist and piano teacher.
1835He moves to Switzerland with Countess Marie d’Agoult: their first child together, Blandine-Rachel, is born here. He continues concertizing in Paris.
from 1839Continuous concert tours throughout Europe.
from 1847Symphonic poems, including No. 2, “Tasso: lamento e trionfo”; No. 1, “Ce qu‘on entend sur la montagne” (‘Bergsymphonie,’ ‘Mountain Symphony’); “A Faust Symphony in Three Character Pictures”; “A Symphony to Dante’s Divine Comedy” (‘Dante Symphony’); as well as [No. 11], “Hunnenschlacht” (“Battle of the Huns”).
1848–61Kapellmeister in Weimar; he advocates for progressive music (Wagner, Schumann, Berlioz).
1857–62Oratorio, “The Legend of St. Elisabeth.”
1861–68Resident in Rome.
1865Takes minor holy orders.
1866–72Oratorio, “Christus.”
1871Appointed Hungarian court councilor; he lives in Rome, Weimar, and Budapest.
1886Death in Bayreuth on July 31.

© 2003, 2010 Philipp Reclam jun. GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart

About the Authors


Sylvia Hewig-Tröscher (Editor, Fingering)

Sylvia Hewig-Tröscher studied piano at the Hochschule für Musik in Munich under Erik Then-Bergh and Hermann Reutter, as well as under Louis Hiltbrand at the Conservatoire de Musique in Geneva. 1977 she finished the „ Classe de Virtuosité“ in Geneva with the Premier Prix avec distinction and received the Henry Broliet prize as well as being awarded the GEDOK prize. Also organ studies under Lionel Rogg finishing with the „Diplome d’Orgue“. Masterclasses with George Halmos, Klaus Schilde, Karl Seemann and Wilhelm Kempff, followed, as well as with the cembalo player Li StadelmannIn. 1977 the piano trio Orfeo was established.

Since then, as a solo pianist and chamber musician, her concert activities have led her to Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Austria, America, Egypt, India, Korea, and Japan. The list of recordings includes Bayerischer Rundfunk and Südwestfunk Freiburg, Baden-Baden, record and CD recordings of (among others) seldom played works of the classical and romantic periods with Musica Bavarica. Further CD recordings including modern music and first performances with Calig, Symicon, Bayer Records, Arts Magnamedia, and Sony, also co-production of the Bayreischer Rundfunk and Deutscher Musikrat.

Masterclasses in Villa Marteau, Marktoberdorf, Hammelburg, Brixen, Castelnuovo di Garfagnana and New York. Today Sylvia Hewig-Tröscher works as a professor of piano and vice president of the Hochschule für Musik and Theater Munich.

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Die Texte Hewig-Tröschers sind leicht lesbar, allgemein verständlich und in ihren praktischen Empfehlungen problemlos umzusetzen, etwa wenn sie mit wenigen Worten Empfehlungen gibt, wie eine Oberstimme bei Mehrstimmigkeit in einer Hand hervorgehoben werden kann. Auch der Klavierpädagoge liest die Anmerkungen der Herausgeberin durchaus mit Gewinn für den eigenen Unterricht.

Üben & Musizieren, 2016

De serie houdt rekening met verschillende spelniveaus (...), uithoudingsvermogen (...) en wil twijfelaars niet afschrikken door een te groot gewicht van een volume (...) of een te druk tekstbeeld. Ook aan de portemonnee van de doelgroep is gedacht, want de serie is aantrekkelijk geprijsd. Kortom, alle voorwaarden zijn aanwezig, alle mogelijke duwtjes in de rug gegeven, nu is het de beurt aan de pianist zelf. Er is geen uitstel meer mogelijk.

Piano Bulletin, 2015



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Urtext Edition, paperbound
HN 805

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Franz Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody no. 5
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Urtext Edition, paperbound
HN 1637

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Franz Liszt Valses oubliées
Editor: Peter Jost
Urtext Edition, paperbound
HN 977

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€17.50 available
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