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Concerto pour orgue (clavecin) Ut majeur Hob. XVIII:5
Concerto pour orgue (clavecin) Ut majeur Hob. XVIII:8
Concerto pour orgue (clavecin) Ut majeur Hob. XVIII:1
Concerto pour orgue (clavecin) Ré majeur Hob. XVIII:2
Concerto pour orgue (clavecin) Fa majeur Hob. XVIII:6


Joseph Haydn

Son œuvre immense documente le changement fondamental dans l’histoire de la musique qui s’opère au cours de la seconde moitié du XVIIIe s. et qui conduit à l’émancipation de la musique instrumentale. Les genres où il s’est principalement illustré sont la symphonie et le quatuor à cordes dans lesquels il a développé le procédé de l’élaboration des motifs et des thèmes; il est l’auteur d’importantes contributions pour le concert instrumental et la musique pour piano; ses grands oratorios virent le jour au cours des dernières années de sa vie. L’opéra et le lied sont plutôt sous-représentés.


About the Authors

Armin Raab (Editeur)

Dr. Armin Raab, born on 24.5.1956 in Förtschendorf, studied musicology, theatre studies and modern German literature in Erlangen and was awarded his doctorate in 1988 with a thesis on “Funktionen des Unisono, dargestellt an den Streichquartetten und Messen von Joseph Haydn”.

From 1992 to 1997 he was a research associate at the Beethoven-Archiv in Bonn. In July 1997 he moved to the Joseph Haydn-Institut in Cologne. He was director of research from 1999 until April 2022 and thus the Editorial Head of the Haydn Complete Edition (of which 41 volumes have appeared since he has been Head) and editor of the Haydn Studies. He is co-editor of the Haydn-Lexikon (Laaber 2010). Armin Raab has edited three volumes in the new Beethoven Complete Edition and “The Seasons” (also as a Henle study edition)

Horst Walter (Editeur)

Dr. Horst Walter, born in 1931 in Hannover, studied musicology, German and philosophy at the University of Cologne. In 1962 he completed his doctorate with a thesis on the musical history of Lüneburg and that same year became a research associate at the Joseph Haydn-Institut.

From 1992 until his retirement he was its Head. He made numerous contributions to Haydn research, including articles of a biographical documentary and bibliographic nature. Horst Walter died on 4 April 2016.

Informations sur la sécurité du produit

G. Henle Verlag

Vous trouverez ici des informations sur le fabricant du produit.

G. Henle Verlag e.K.
Forstenrieder Allee 122
81476 München

This series is rapidly becoming the gold standard in complete editions, particularly with its updated publication guidelines that require stemmatic analysis of sources in the absence of autographs ... This edition brings together for the first time all the sources and copies for each concerto ... It is the result of decades of intense scrutiny of the source material, and absent a discovery of further autographs, I expect that it will represent the final word on the state of this repertoire. ... In sum, this edition is a heroic achievement in musicology, and will certainly be a part of every research music library. It is a rare combination of a cutting-edge musicological approach with top-of-the-line music engraving.

Notes (Music Library Association), 2021



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