Sonates de Bohème pour violon
Volume I
Les noms des compositeurs ici réunis représentent la crème de la crème des musiciens et compositeurs de Bohème au XVIIIe et au début du XIXe siècle. Parmi eux, on mentionnera F. Benda, J. Stamitz, J.L. Dussek et J.B. Vanhal, compositeurs autrefois célèbres dans toute l’Europe, et actifs pour la plupart au sein de prestigieuses cours étrangères. Bien que la sonate pour violon fût un genre dans lequel ils excellaient, la musique de ces compositeurs est aujourd’hui malheureusement largement éclipsée par celle de Haydn, Mozart et Beethoven. Notre collection en deux volumes désire mettre quelques-uns de ces trésors entre les mains de violonistes curieux (mais aussi déjà très expérimentés).
About the Authors

Sonja Gerlach (Editeur, Réalisation de la basse continue)
Sonja Gerlach was born in Hannover in 1936. She did a secondary school teaching degree (Staatsexamen) in music and mathematics in Berlin. From 1965 to 1999 she was a research associate and editor at the Joseph Haydn-Institut in Cologne. In addition to her work as an editor and researcher she addressed questions concerning the chronology of Haydn’s symphonies. She is also very interested in problems of ascertaining authenticity of works in Haydn’s different genres.
In 2000 she retired and moved to Munich where she now lives.

Zdenka Pilková (Editeur)
Dr. Zdeňka Pilková, CSc (1931 Praha-1999 Praha) studied musicology and ethnography at Charles University Prague and graduated in 1955 (The dramatic Works of Jiří Benda, edited 1960 Prague) and received her PhD in 1968 (The Music Section of Umělecká beseda 1863-1963).
Her professional career began in 1955 in the Music Departement of the Czech Radio Prague, from 1964-1991 she worked in the Institut for Musicology (Czech Academy of Sciences). As a visiting lecturer she was active at Charles University Prague. Her special field was Czech music of the 18th century, especially G. Benda, F. Benda, J. Mysliveček, A. Kamel, J. Neruda. She presented papers at numerous international conferences and lectured in Europe and overseas. Dr Pilková collaborated with Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians and coordinated the Czech participation in the project "The Symphony 1720-1840", Garland NY. In her private life Zdeňka Pilková was a member of the Studio of Chamber Dance in the style of Isadora Duncan. She published about 60 studies on the personalities of composers of the 18th-19th centuries.
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