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Toutes les éditions Henle Urtext qui ont le niveau de difficulté requis ou qui contiennent des titres individuels (par exemple des pièces individuelles) ayant le niveau de difficulté requis seront alors affichées.
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A facsimile edition from G. Henle Publishers goes far beyond a mere black and white reproduction of the original manuscript. With the aid of the best scanning and printing equipment, we try to reproduce the original as faithfully as possible (Latin: “fac simile”). It is as if you have the original manuscript by Beethoven, Mozart, Schumann, etc. in front of you, as the size of the paper and staves as well as the colour of the paper and ink reflect that of the original. The accompanying texts, written by experts, provide an introduction to the work and the provenance of the autograph. Our facsimiles are a must for those with a serious interest in the musical text and are also an ideal present for the bibliophilic amateur.