G. ヘンレ社の75周年記念に向けて著名な音楽家の皆さまから頂いたお祝いのことばを、英訳でご覧いただだけます。

András Adorján:
Dear G. Henle Publishers, dear friends,
It is a great pleasure to congratulate you on your 75th birthday.
Ever since I was child, Henle Urtext editions have been the “ne plus ultra” for me, and I was very surprised to discover that we are almost the same age. It's incredible to think that this groundbreaking idea of publishing Urtext editions is still so young.
75 years ago you were alone, yet your pioneering work seemed so worthy of imitation that today there are several competing editions, among which the Henle editions continue to stand out - and not only on account of their blue colour.
At an age when people like myself have long since retired, you continue to be unreservedly active. And what’s more, you are also innovative pioneers of digital music reading and provide access to your treasures with appsfor musicians. You do not continue to publish only works by old and established masters, such as those of the three great "B"s, but also increasingly offer insights into the works of composers who are less mainstream. Rumour has it that Henle will soon publish an Urtext edition from the 20th century: the complete oeuvre of another important "B", who has not exactly been overwhelmed with such editions up to now - that of Béla Bartók. It’s not only the Hungarian in me that is happy about this.
Please remain in this "un-retirement" for a long time to come!
Allow me to wish you many happy returns and continued success, patience and good luck,
András Adorján
Munich, 1 February 2023

Armida Quartett:
G. Henle Publisher’s Urtext editions have been familiar to us since we were children and have always been our trustworthy companions.
And it was W. A. Mozart who finally brought us together in a very intensive and personal way over the last seven years. We admire the profound, well-founded and persistent work that has been invested over the past 75 years. Your piercing gaze has opened new interpretative doors for us, and we are greatly indebted to you for permitting us to gain such a close insight into the complex processes of the publishing house. The scholarly innovations are incredible and make the hearts of performers and amateurs flutter. We wish G. Henle Publishers continued success, courage, passion and always a true eye for what is essential
– the MUSIC!

Andreas Boyde:
To Henle Publishing House:
It is of particular importance for me to congratulate Henle Publishing House on their 75th birthday!
The Urtext editions from Munich have been trusted companions for me for decades and continue to shape my musical understanding to this day. The scores, which are musically well-thought out and reliable as regards their scholarship, remain unmatched and captivate also due to their clarity and aesthetic beauty.
As a musician who grew up in the GDR, sheet music by G. Henle Publishers DDR was an unttainable dream, which is why being able to access the world’s leading musical publications as a matter of course is all the more valuable to me today.
My heartfelt thanks to all the staff for this gift!
Andreas Boyde

Alfred Brendel:
On the 75th birthday of Henle Publishers
Today with the help of an Urtext edition, every musician will ensure that the musical text that they are using follows what the composer wrote down in their own hand or what was in the first edition. We thank G. Henle Publishers for having made a key contribution and wish you all the very best on your 75th birthday!
Alfred Brendel

Peter Damm:
Dear Dr Seiffert,
Many happy returns on the 75th birthday of G. Henle Publishers and I would like to extend my best wishes to you and the whole team.
An anniversary such as this is a notable event. You can proudly look back on 75 successful years. All over the world musicians are playing works by composers from a wide range of eras using Urtext editions from your publishing house. Everyone is grateful for the top quality of the printed editions, which facilitates the study of these compositions. At the same time, the informative prefaces are also highly valued.
I took great pleasure in our cooperation on the edition of the Horn Concerto opus 11 by Richard Strauss and I am grateful when I think back to the excellent work with Dr Dominik Rahmer.
I wish you and your staff all the very best and success for the future of G. Henle Publishers.
With very best wishes from the Elbe to the Isar,
Peter Damm

Ekaterina Derzhavina:
Rehovot, 29 November 2022
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
With all my heart I congratulate you, my favorite publishing house, on the upcoming anniversary!
You are all excellent: starting with the highest professionalism, the care taken in preparing each edition, the accuracy and conciseness of comments – and ending with the format of books, the color of paper and musical texts that are easy to read!
For three quarters of a century, you have delighted the musical world with beautiful editions. I wish you new successes and long-term prosperity! I am happy to have had the honor of working with you.
Ekaterina Derzhavina

Tobias Glöckler:
Dear Dr. Seiffert,
With the opening bars from the Double Bass Concerto by Dittersdorf, I would like to offer you and all the staff at Henle Publishers a “virtual” serenade on your 75th birthday.
This is combined with my very best wishes for the continued success of Henle Urtext editions!
In addition, I would like to express my twofold thanks: as a musician for the excellent, practical and reliable Urtext editions for the concert podium and conservatoire, and as an editor for the inspiring and always highly competent collaboration.
In this spirit – here’s to the next 75 years!
Yours sincerely,
Tobias Glöckler

Peter-Lukas Graf:
My best wishes are combined with my thanks for the Henle editions, which I have always valued, as well as my pleasure at having been personally involved through my own contribution and valuable discussions.
Peter-Lukas Graf

Andreas Groethuysen:
Since sheet music is probably the most important implement for all professional musicians alongside their instrument, and since the blue sheet music from Henle Publishers has shaped my musical life more than any other right from the beginning, I have naturally been extremely attached to this house and its staff for decades.
The fact that its editorial principle – Urtext and the particularly legible printing – has had a decisive influence on the musical understanding of several generations is something that I already spoke of on the occasion of its 50thanniversary.
Hence, I sincerely wish all those involved that this impact and the striking commercial success of the publishing house may continue undiminished over the next 75 years!
Andreas Groethuysen

Hagen Quartett:
Congratulations to Henle Verlag on the occasion of its 75th anniversary and best wishes for the future!
Hagen Quartet

Sylvia Hewig-Tröscher:
On the 75th birthday of Henle Publishers
I became acquainted with my first Henle edition early on. It was the dark blue edition of the Inventions and Sinfonias that formed part of the compulsory repertoire of a proper piano student. It was followed by editions of the Mozart Variations and Schubert Impromptus. The editions were recognisable on account of their special and still common dark blue colour. The light blue clothbound editions were given as presents for birthdays or special occasions.
Since particular value was placed on Urtext while studying, Henle editions such as the Well-Tempered Clavier by J. S. Bach, the piano sonatas and variations by Mozart and Haydn were part of every student’s repertoire. The editions of the classical sonatas delight because the articulation and dynamic markings are orientated towards the original text, as well as due to the musicological additions.
It was therefore a real pleasure for me when Dr Seiffert entrusted me with the task of editing a pedagogical edition of twelve composers in the series “At the Piano”.
All the very best on the 75th birthday of Henle Publishers!
Sylvia Hewig-Tröscher

Michael Korstick:
It was in 1966 when I won 1st prize in the Cologne Piano Competition that I received a voucher for sheet music to the value of 200 DM. Bach’s WTK (Well-Tempered Clavier), the sonatas of Mozart and Beethoven in the “blue editions” were my ticket into the world of Urtext, and ever since, G. Henle Publishers has been my faithful companion. I would like to congratulate you on your 75th anniversary and I sincerely wish for myself and all of you that this incredible success story continues without end.
Sincerely yours,
Michael Korstick

Kronberg Academy:
G. Henle Publishers is 75 years old
Henle Publishers is both a guard rail and a beacon: it translates the ideas of composers and brings us all closer to the “musical truth”.
It builds important bridges and combines musical interpretation and scholarship in the most beautiful manner and at the highest level.
For all those who would like to learn from and about music, but also for those who just want to enjoy music, Henle’s editions are nothing less than a gift.
The Kronberg Academy is delighted to have a special relationship with G. Henle Publishers.
All the very best on your anniversary!
Raimund Trenkler, Founder and Director Friedemann Eichhorn, Artistic Director

Elisabeth Leonskaja:
Every active musician knows how vital it is to have a pure, identical text in front of them, even if revised versions bring many good ideas.
And how necessary it is for us musicians and performers to understand the composers' texts and ideas. And what a noble thing it is when a publisher gives us this gift!
Hats off!
I realise the extensive, surgical work behind it.
Congratulations and many years of creative work!
With many thanks,
Elisabeth Leonskaja

Jacob Leuschner:
To G. Henle Publishers on their 75-year anniversary
Why Urtext? Because – as the unadulterated, unfiltered will of the composer – it offers performers the greatest possible freedom. It permits the most direct contact with the work and allows the greatest room for inspiration and creativity.
The name Henle has embodied Urtext for 75 years. May it remain so for a long time to come!
January 2023
Jacob Leuschner

Leonkoro Quartett:
Dear Henle Publishers,
Wow! 75 years! Happy Birthday!
We cannot imagine playing in our quartet without your editions.
Leonkoro Quartett

András Adorján:
Dear G. Henle Publishers, dear friends,
It is a great pleasure to congratulate you on your 75th birthday.
Ever since I was child, Henle Urtext editions have been the “ne plus ultra” for me, and I was very surprised to discover that we are almost the same age. It's incredible to think that this groundbreaking idea of publishing Urtext editions is still so young.
75 years ago you were alone, yet your pioneering work seemed so worthy of imitation that today there are several competing editions, among which the Henle editions continue to stand out - and not only on account of their blue colour.
At an age when people like myself have long since retired, you continue to be unreservedly active. And what’s more, you are also innovative pioneers of digital music reading and provide access to your treasures with appsfor musicians. You do not continue to publish only works by old and established masters, such as those of the three great "B"s, but also increasingly offer insights into the works of composers who are less mainstream. Rumour has it that Henle will soon publish an Urtext edition from the 20th century: the complete oeuvre of another important "B", who has not exactly been overwhelmed with such editions up to now - that of Béla Bartók. It’s not only the Hungarian in me that is happy about this.
Please remain in this "un-retirement" for a long time to come!
Allow me to wish you many happy returns and continued success, patience and good luck,
András Adorján
Munich, 1 February 2023

Sabine Meyer and Reiner Wehle:
Congratulations to the team at Henle Publisher’s on your 75th anniversary!
A wise person once said:
“You cannot interpret music –
You can only understand music!”
How true that is!!
But how can we understand music if someone has not minutely researched what sources have been handed down? In this respect your publishing house was and is groundbreaking, and one cannot even imagine what our understanding of music would be like if Henle Publishers did not exist. Many thanks for your tireless service and wishing you continued success,
Sabine Meyer and Reiner Wehle

Heime Müller:
Henle Publishers has done it!
Whenever I see “Henle blue” lying around, my eyes light up: oh, how wonderful – high-quality, trustworthy sheet music, I’ll have a look inside right away!
Many happy returns on your 75th birthday!
Heime Müller

Sophie Pacini:
My warmest congratulations on 75 years of “Finest Urtext Editions” by G. Henle Publishers.
Sophie Pacini

Nicolai Pfeffer:
For me, Henle Publishers is much more than a mere music publisher: here, people discuss, philosophise and make music. Excellent musicology is just as much a matter of course for this thoroughly unique publishing house as a well-founded, practice-oriented understanding of music, the desire to perform, as well as the passionate devotion to creating an aesthetic musical text beyond all measure, lending expression and form to the great musical masterpieces.
I am very honoured to be able to contribute to Henle’s publishing programme in the field of clarinet literature.
Nicolai Pfeffer

Carmen Piazzini:
When I came to Germany to study with Hans Leygraf, the first thing he told me was that I needed sheet music from Henle Publishers. At that time Henle was the only publishing house that did not alter what the composer had intended. And this is why Henle already accompanied me during my studies.
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Carmen Piazzini

Cuarteto Quiroga:
Dear friends,
We are very happy and honoured to be able to congratulate you on this wonderful 75th anniversary in 2023. For us, Henle Publishers’ carefully produced editions of string quartets by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Brahms or Bartók and many others, are a fundamental part of our life as string quartet players and committed teachers. They accompany us in our daily work, when we rehearse, teach, give concerts and do recordings, and we rely on them as an indispensable source to support our interpretations and musical decisions.
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on 75 years of long and fruitful life and wish you at least another 75 musically productive years.
With admiration and true gratitude,
Helena Poggio Lagares, Aitor Hevia Sesma, Cibrán Sierra Vázquez
and Josep Puchades Escrivá

Michael Schäfer:
It has always been a happy moment for me to see a favourite work finally appear in a Henle Urtext edition. There have been many in the past, may there be more in the future!
Michael Schäfer

Hansjörg Schellenberger:
Henle Publishers’ sheet music has accompanied me ever since the beginning of my musical career. These editions were and are simply the ones with the most accurate printed reproduction of the works in the musical world that are the most important for me as an oboist and conductor. If you attach importance to being absolutely sure of getting what the great composer intended in each case, then the reference edition is ALWAYS the one published by HENLE!!!
And this makes me all the more proud to have been the editor of a new, perfectly revised edition of a very important work in the oboe repertoire – the Concerto for Oboe by Richard Strauss – for HENLE publishers.
On its 75th anniversary, I wish the publishing house and all of us musicians that it continues to flourish, grow and enable new insights and experiences in the service of the creation of music. Without HENLE the musical landscape would be much bleaker.
Hansjörg Schellenberger

Ernst Schliephake:
To the probably most musical birthday child that I know: congratulations on your 75th! How wonderful it is, to congratulate you most heartily, to celebrate the position that G. Henle Publishers holds in the world of music. I can say with pride: For almost 23 years this publishing house has accompanied me in a spirit of solidarity, I work with complete passion in the background for those who in the meantime have become great friends.
I thank my friends at Henle. For everything: especially for so much good music ...
Ernst Schliephake

Wolfram Schmitt-Leonardy:
To the next 75 years!
A big thank you for your great work and the friendly contact. It is a privilege.
Wolfram Schmitt-Leonardy

Michael Schneidt:
Music is a treasure that belongs to the whole of humanity. Reflecting on such unifying values seems to me to be more important than ever.
Henle Publishers has been making an invaluable contribution towards preserving these values in purity for 75 years.
I am happy and proud to be a part of the “Henle family”.
Michael Schneidt
(Underneath a musical excerpt with a modified text: “The publishing house is full of treasures”, loosely based on Richard Wagner: “The Flying Dutchman”)

Christine Schornsheim:
Dear Dr. Seiffert and dear Henle team,
From the bottom of my heart and with deep gratitude, I congratulate you and your staff on the 75th anniversary of G. Henle Publishers! Your editions are on music stands around the world, are always backed by excellent musicology and support professional musicians and amateurs alike in the best possible manner.
To paraphrase Loriot:
"A (musician’s) life without Henle is possible, but pointless!”
In anticipation of more wonderful editions,
Yours sincerely,
Christine Schornsheim

Andreas Staier:
I would like to congratulate Henle Publishers very warmly on this birthday!
Of its 75 years, it has accompanied and enriched my musical life for almost 60. –
Thank you!
Andreas Staier

Yaara Tal:
For around 50 years the “blue sheet music” has been part of my artistic life. It is hard to imagine working with music without these scores from Henle Publishers.
Over the years, this “Henle blue” has taken on an almost mythical dimension for me: On the one hand, it draws clear water from deep sources and on the other, it reflects heavenly eternal blue.
I wish G. Henle Publishers all the best and many years full of creativity and inspiration to come!

Claudius Tanski:
Congratulations Henle Publishers on your 75th birthday!
The wonderful Henle productions are an integral part of my teaching and my own activity as a pianist
Thank you, Henle and all the best!
Claudius Tanski

Ingolf Turban:
75 Jahre G. Henle Publishers
Himmel der Noten: [Heaven of sheet music]
Erlaubt? Verboten? [Permitted? Forbidden?]
Nur für Exoten? [Just for exotic species?]
Lasst alle Pfoten [Let all paws]
Erklingen als Boten! [Sound as messengers!]
Heartfelt congratulations!
Seriously happy,
I. Turban

Rudens Turku:
Congratulations on your 75th anniversary.
Even after 75 years, your sheet music still sounds true, inspiring. and full of energy!
For this, I extend my highest respect and deepest gratitude.
Rudens Turku

Johannes Umbreit:
A musician’s life without Henle sheet music is possible, but pointless. Loriot might have put it this way, had he been a practicing musician.
The blue (grey) volumes are a must and on this account congratulations to the publishing house, together with thanks that Günter Henle dared to undertake this 75 years ago.
Looking forward to the next 75 productive years!
Johannes Umbreit

Vogler Quartett:
Henle Publishers is turning 75!
Happy Birthday!!
The VOGLER-Quartet is only half this age. Since the fall of the [Berlin] Wall,
Henle has been a constant companion for us East Berliners.
And the Henle app means that the excellent and constantly expanding Urtext library is at hand all the time.
Tim Vogler, Frank Reinecke, Stefan Fehlandt, Stephan Forck

Severin von Eckardstein
Dear Dr. Seiffert,
The chic, unpretentious blue editions of sheet music have always been synonymous for me with steadfastness, honesty and the most generous legacy of classical piano literature.
This will also certainly not change. In this spirit, I wish Henle Publishers several more three-quarters of a century of quiet sovereignty over the treasures of our occidental and progressive musical culture.
With best wishes,
Severin von Eckardstein

Tianwa Yang:
As a child, I grew up in Beijing. I used to stand in front of the windows of the music store just to admire those beautiful, blue-covered Urtext music scores of HENLE. I dreamed of having many of these fine music scores and books which would give me more ways to understand the composer's language and music.
I will never forget the feeling when I opened the very first HENLE score of my own. It was a study score of the Beethoven violin concerto, which I bought at the age of 10 after saving up for months.
Today, every time I look at my own "blue score" collection at home it brings me joy. I cannot imagine any single day of my musical life and work without these wonderful scores, both in hard copy and on my digital HENLE Library App.
Happy 75th Birthday, HENLE!
Tianwa Yang

Thomas Zehetmair:
Since the 1970s I have been using Henle Urtext editions, in the beginning sonatas by Mozart and Beethoven, and later works for violin, chamber music and orchestra by Bach, Haydn, Beethoven, Brahms, Schumann and Franck. Informative prefaces and critical reports complemented my own research in an ideal manner.
The printed image has always appealed to me.
My very best wishes on your anniversary!
I look forward to continuing to work with Henle scores and hope that many generations of musicians will be able to benefit from the publishing house’s valuable information. Even if outward appearances are seen to be increasingly important when marketing the music, it is all the more essential to support the possibilities for a truly deep engagement with the masterpieces.
With thanks and best wishes,
Thomas Zehetmair

Rainer Zipperling:
Dear Dr Seiffert, dear Henle Team,
I would like to extend my warmest wishes on the 75th birthday of your publishing house.
Your wonderful editions have accompanied me – recommended by my father, himself a professional cellist – on my musical journey for 55! Years! And the now rather worn copies in my music cabinet bear impressive witness to this. The Henle editions are a recurring theme in our family, as our daughter also continually uses your high-quality editions with the Aris quartet. It has been an honour for me to be allowed to contribute to the Henle editions.
I wish you the best of success for the future and may your work find its way into many libraries!
With very best wishes
Rainer Zipperling
Wehrheim 25.11.22