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Serenades for Flute, Violin and Viola op. 77a and op. 141a

About the Composer

Max Reger

Late-Romantic composer who combines a chromatic tonal language with Baroque and Classical forms, thus anticipating 1920s neoclassicism.


About the Authors

Michael Kube (Editor)

Dr. Michael Kube, born in 1968 in Kiel, studied musicology (with Friedhelm Krummacher and Heinrich W. Schwab), the history of art and ethnology at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. Since 1998 he has been a research associate at the New Schubert Edition (Tübingen) and since autumn 2002 also a member of the editorial board.

Kube is on the panels of different juries and music prizes, and is also a member of the Committee for work evaluation (Werkprüfungsausschuss) of VG Music Edition. His research interests include music for keyboard instruments around 1700, 19th century chamber music, early 20th century music history, as well as Scandinavian music history.

Product Safety Informations (GPSR)

G. Henle Verlag

Here you can find the information about the manufacturer of the product.

G. Henle Verlag e.K.
Forstenrieder Allee 122
81476 München

(...) denn die drei "einfachsten u. sehr melodiösen" Stimmen sind oft aufs Raffinierteste miteinander verzahnt. Da hilft, um sich über manche Stelle einen Überblick zu verschaffen, die Studienpartitur. Deren Notenbild, wie auch das der Einzelstimmen, ist – bei Henle schon gar nicht mehr anders zu erwarten – übersichtlich und bestens lesbar.

Das Liebhaberorchester, 2016

These parts are very clear, and the score is presented in a convenient study edition; both score and parts, which are available separately, include performence comments.

Flute Talk, 2010

Diese beiden Besetzungspendants zu Beethovens Serenade op. 25 stehen jetzt als Stimmen im Neudruck in der bewährten Henle-Urtextausgabe zur Verfügung. Das werden die Interpreten goutieren, gerade weil es sich im Gegensatz zu Regers subjektiver Meinung im Zusammenspiel doch um recht anspruchsvolle und technisch haarige Kammermusik handelt, für die eine solch saubere Lesevorlage Voraussetzung ist.

NMZ, 2008

La presente edizione Henle, basata sulle prime pubblicazioni delle partiturine che vennero revisionate da Reger e i cui rispettivi autografi furono utilizzati come copie degli stampatori, è a cura di Michael Kube, profondo studioso del compositore, nonché già curatore di altre sue opere.

Archi, 2007



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