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All Henle Urtext editions that have the required level of difficulty or that contain individual titles (e.g. individual pieces) with the required level of difficulty will then be displayed.
You will find a guide to the levels of difficulty here here here here
For many years, G. Henle Publishers has been supporting the Munich regional competition of ”Jugend musiziert” with special prizes. In 2018, the Günter Henle Urtext Prize of 8.000 euros was awarded for the very first time to the first prize winners of the national competition in the category “piano and string instrument”. Lara-Sophie Kluwe and Gina Friesicke, as well as Johannes Bettac and Felix Leissner were those chosen by the jury. Felix Henle, Chairman of the Günter Henle Foundation, (far left) had the honour of presenting the prizes to Lara-Sophie Kluwe (on the left) and Gina Friesicke (on the right).