Browse through our catalogue of music for Piano solo, for Violin, for Flute and for Violoncello according to level of difficulty.
Click on 'easy', 'medium' or 'difficult' and then refine your search even further.
All Henle Urtext editions that have the required level of difficulty or that contain individual titles (e.g. individual pieces) with the required level of difficulty will then be displayed.
You will find a guide to the levels of difficulty here here here here
Fostering musical talent among children and young people is particularly close to our heart. So we are delighted to be able to support enthusiastic young musicians and to accompany them on their journey towards achieving musical goals, both large and small.
January, 2024. To all pianists between the ages of 6 and 11: Why not take part and upload your video to YouTube! Here you can find all the important information about the Henle Piano Competition 2024:
For many years, G. Henle Publishers has been supporting the Munich regional competition of ”Jugend musiziert” with special prizes.
It is with great enthusiasm that we announce our partnership with Lang Lang Music World in Shanghai as they build their own Henle Library.
Musicians visit schools and introduce pupils to classical music. This is the idea behind "Rhapsody in School", a project that has not only captured the imagination of a group of renowned soloists, but also of schoolchildren.